Registration & Fees

The registration for the conference is now open.

Deadline for registration is 12 June 2015. There are limited rooms, so don’t hesitate to make your registration. After 1 June 2015 the registration is binding, and the registration fee cannot be refunded.

Please download the registration form, and sent it my mail to Torben Gasseholm at this address: He will confirm the registration and email you details concerning payment.

Download the registration form here: registration form

Conference fees (accomondation and all meals included)


Full conference in a single room:  4500 DDK (605 EUR) incl. reg. fee

Full conference two in a double room, in single beds: 4200DDK (565 EUR) incl. reg. fee

Non members

Full conference in a single room:  4800 DDK (645 EUR) incl. reg. fee

Full conference two in a double room, in single beds: 4500DDK (605 EUR)  incl. reg. fee

Special lectures in honor of NFH-Nordic´s 40 year anniversary

  • Free of charge