Saliva aids us in numerous ways during wake and sleep. To what extent is difficult to fathom until dysfunction occurs, severely affecting quality of life and increasing risk of disease.
Dry mouth conditions are associated with females, old age, stress, malnutrition, dehydration, systemic and autoimmune diseases and neurodegenerative conditions to mention a few. However, no factor is as common as use of medication. This factor is important to understand in clinical practice, as well as how to diagnose and offer patients symptom relief.
In this presentation I will share knowledge on causal factors and go through diagnostic aspects for a variety of patients we might meet.
My aim is that you leave with a deepened understanding and feel strengthened in your ability to help these patients.
I graduated from University of Gothenburg in 2019 and started a doctoral education at the Dep. of oral medicine and pathology shortly thereafter. Area of research is within salivary gland dysfunction. My clinical practice takes place at hospitals in Uddevalla and Trollhättan at the specialist clinics of Orofacial Medicine. Two years ago I became a part of the Swedish NFH board which I find to be a wonderful opportunity to learn as well as contribute to research and clinical aspects for people with disabilities. I look forward to meet you all in Nyborg!
Vi arbejder målrettet på at fremme forståelsen, udviklingen og tilgængeligheden af tandpleje til mennesker med funktionshæmning. Gennem fagligt samarbejde, vidensdeling og engagement ønsker vi at skabe en positiv forskel.
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