Essi Karikoski

Dental hygienist, PhD

Oral health promotion in children with congenital heart disease – Findings from the ORALPEDHEART Study.

Short description

Maintaining optimal oral health behavior in children with congenital heart defects (CHD) is crucial for managing the risk of developing poor oral health, which may predispose them to infective endocarditis. The ORALPEDHEART study investigates the effectiveness of an early, dental hygienist-led oral health intervention for children with major CHD, starting before 12 months of age. Dr. Karikoski’s presentation will discuss the importance of oral health in children with CHD and highlight the feasibility and positive impact of the ORALPEDHEART study on improving oral health behaviors in this group of chronically ill children.


Dr. Essi Karikoski is a PhD, Master of Health Sciences, and dental hygienist, whose research field is children with congenital heart defects (CHD). Essi has worked throughout her career in both specialized healthcare and primary healthcare, with clinical practice experience in specialized healthcare and development roles in both sectors. Essi completed her doctoral research at the new Children’s Hospital of the University of Helsinki. Currently Essi works as an oral health care specialist in Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County.

Karikoski E, Sarkola T, Blomqvist M. Early counseling to improve oral health behavior in children with major congenital heart defects – a randomized controlled trial. Caries Research. 2023;57(5-6): 563-574.doi: 10.1159/000531817.

Karikoski E, Sarkola T, Blomqvist M. Oral health behavior during early childhood in children with major congenital heart defects. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. 2023;33(3):278-288. doi:10.1111/ipd.13062.

Karikoski E, Junttila K, Järvinen M, Sarkola T, Blomqvist M. Parental perceptions and experiences of an oral health care promotion intervention for children with congenital heart defects. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being. 2022. 17 :1.

Karikoski E, Sarkola T, Blomqvist M. Dental Caries Prevalence in Children with Congenital Heart Disease – a Systematic Review. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica. 2021. 79:3, 232-240.


Karikoski E. 2024. Counselling to improve oral health behavior in young children with major congenital heart defects. Helsinki: Univeristy of Helsinki, 2024. 102 s. (Dissertationes Universitatis Helsingiensis; 1/2024). Doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13259.71206