Welcome to the annual Nordic Conference in dentistry for patients with disabilities.
This year it will be hosted by the Danish section of the Nordic Association for Disability and Oral Health. The conference is organized in collaboration with the Section of Pediatric dentistry, Institute of Odontology, Health, Aarhus University.
The topic of the conference is pain. Pain in patients with disabilities can induce difficulties in order to understand, interpret, and treat properly. In particular if the patient cannot communicate verbally. We meet these challenges every day, so we find it of outmost importance that we as health professional know all the perspectives of pain. By this conference we believe that we have covered many of the aspects of pain and look forward to learn much more about how to register, treat and understand pain behavior.
We have invited very competent speakers within their own field of expertise and you can read much more about them under the tab “speakers” at the top or here.
Furthermore, we are very delighted to be able to invite you to 5 special lectures in honor of NFH-Nordic´s 40 year anniversary (last year). They will all be held by honorary members of the different Nordic countries. We hope that as many of you want to attend this last part of the conference, so please make a separate registration when you sign up. It is free of charge. You can regitrer for the conference here.
The conference will be held in the beautiful site of the Southern Denmark in Aarhus Universities conference facilities. You can read more about the venue here or visit the homepage of Sandbjerg Gods.